Thursday, October 28, 2010

Teach The Children Well...

This scares the ever-lovin' bejeezus out of me:

Peterborough Police Look For Suspect In Attempted Abduction
PETERBOROUGH, N.H. (CBS) — In a small New Hampshire town, police are looking for a man who tried to handcuff a boy at a school bus stop.

Peterborough Police Chief Scott Guinard says the man approached a 10-year-old boy who was waiting at the stop for an older sibling, along with his 6-year-old sister. The chief says the man first offered the children money. Then, he commented on the boy’s rubber bracelet and tried to grab it.

The story on the local news offered a little more information - the boy knocked a pair of toy handcuffs out of the man's hands, grabbed his little sister, and ran. That's damn good reaction right there - that boy is a hero. He handled this situation exactly right - and that sort of reaction doesn't just happen on its own, this is something he was taught by a parent, sensei, or teacher. Good on him for remembering what to do and having the courage to do it, and good on whoever taught him not to be a victim.

This is one of those "it can happen anywhere" stories - Peterborough NH is a small town about a half-hour west of Manchester, a small town with selectmen and a Main Street where the Planning Board meets to discuss whether or not to grant a variance to the Johnsons so they can put an addition on their house. The police force is most likely concerned with parking problems downtown and darn teenagers speeding leaving the school, not stranger abductions and potential child molesters. Predators lurk everywhere, even in "good" cities and towns, and we must always be vigilant - and teach our child to react accordingly.

Hopefully this predator will be caught soon, and the good folks of Peterborough can breath easy once again, but hopefully a little more wary.

That is all.


Butch Cassidy said...

You left out the part where the good townsfolk hang him over the road into town and leave his body there as a warning.

I can only hope that I manage to teach my children to look after themselves so well.

Weer'd Beard said...

Heh, I had a similar, but not as poetic thought. This is small-town NH...that's a good way to get yerself shot!

Heath J said...

Wood chipper + Pedophile.

Some assembly required.

Mr. Casey said...

I'd like to spend some time with this fella'. In my cellar. With various hand and power tools. Among them an electric staple gun. I have a special place in my soul for those who prey on the weak. Women and children, the elderly, the mentally challenged. These are not fair game!

Good to go on that kid! Better if we could see Heath's idea in action!

Ancient Woodsman said...

The problem with the above theoretical 'solutions' is that Peterborough is a mecca for what passes as liberals around here. There are some old-school conservatives, but most of the population is now Volvo-driving, latte-sipping, 'oh my gosh, was that a hunter, Muffy?' pretend country folks. They have riding horses, not draft horses, and Good Lord wouldn't own pigs because well you just know that they smell horrible. But you can catch the avant-garde art show every weekend. Stringing up any sort of violator would be far from their minds or abilities, but my goodness they will sue you if your grass is too tall - unless, of course, you are an artist.

Attempted child abductions have been quite the hobby for the sickos here in the Granite State in the past few months. Unfortunate anywhere, but true nonetheless.