Monday, October 4, 2010

They Grow Up So Fast...

Heh. So I step out of the shower this morning and I hear a series of rhythmic clicks coming from the general vicinity of my daughter's room. I had gotten TheBoy one of the cheap plastic Army toy sets at the fair, one of those kits with a friction trigger M-16, Colt 45, grenade, walkie talkie, etc. and I was concerned that he was annoying his sister with it. So I walk into the hallway, and was surprised see the two of them working together - he with the M-16, her with the pistol - "firing" intently at the same general patch of wall in the corner.
"Whatcha doin' guys?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"We're killing zombies!" they enthusiastically replied.

Fair admission: $28.
Parking: $8
Toy gun set: $12
Having two for backup in the looming Zombie Apocalypse: Priceless.

That is all.


PISSED said...

Thats cool... :)

When "The Boy" gets a little older and he needs to do a book report..I recommend "World War Z"- an oral history of the Zombie War.

Julie said...

lol ... similar to when i got the girls their toy pistol - one was off to shoot rabbits for food, armed with her sister's drawing of where to hit them.

zombies aren't as much of a problem here as possible starvation :)

Anonymous said...

Your kids are officially made of pure awesome. Even if they have you for a father.

=D (I'm kidding, I'm kidding...)

Teke said...

Very cool.

@PISSED - Dont forget MHI and MHV.

Lawyer said...

That's awesome!