Noticed that you included the COP .357 in your list of grail guns. Just wondered if you have ever heard of, let alone seen, the WSP Downsizer? (See attached pictures)It came in .38spl/.357M, and .45acp. I have the .45acp model. (Yes, I'm bragging. So what?) The manual that comes with it says not to fire more than 5 shots during any 24-hour period. Probably has something to do with the recoil, no?
I have made over 3 times the purchase price with a little scheme -- I show you how to open it (some folks seem to have problems with the ball detent), load it, close it (need to push in the ball detent, not try to force the barrel past it), and then how to do all that again so you can ram a pencil or the like up the barrel to eject the used brass. Go from dry empty to loaded, shoot, eject, load again, shoot again, eject again and close up dry empty. I do it in 29.9 seconds or less. You do the same in 59.9 seconds or less. If you beat 59.9 seconds I give you a sawbuck - if you don't you give me a fiver. To date I have never paid out.
Here's some specifications on the WSP Downsizer:
That is all.
DimensionsInteresting little gun - I'd like to give it a try someday...
Weight: 11 oz (312g)
Length: 3.25" (83 mm)
Barrel Length: 2.10" (53 mm)
Caliber: .357 Magnum, .38 Special (and, obviously, .45 ACP)
Capacity: 1 rounds
That is all.
That has got to hurt to shoot.
Reminds me of a more modern, slightly more refined Liberator pistol that was dropped to the Dutch. You know, the thing made of stamped sheet metal with a smoot-bore barrel, built by GM's lamp division?
- Brad
That is a silly little gun. Totally impractical. Damn near useless.
And if I ever see one for sale for the right price, I'll buy it in a heartbeat!
I'd buy one just for the 'fun factor'.
And if it shoots anywhere near as good as my 220 Match at 25 yards, I'll give him a C-note.
IIRC Gun Test Magazine tested one of those. They got off 4 shots and then quit.
They where also made in .357/.38.
Bb b but..... where d'ya mount the tac-light, huh?
Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX
"Interesting little gun - I'd like to give it a try someday..."
Yeah, you would. ;)
If I'm going to carry an ear gun, I'd rather just use a .25 that won't punish me as bad as the guy whose ear I stick it into.
Its a Downsizer WSP
Neat gun, but I'll stick with the 5-shot .38 I have in my Pocket.
And of course there's the Kahr PM45...
Well, if you need a BUG for your BUG, I'd have to say, a Derringer doesn't have a trigger guard like that, and it fires something that would matter. I bet I could beat your 59.9 seconds if not your 29.9. Five bux wouldn't hurt too much.
I ordered my Downsizer .45 when they first came out in 1998. I had a 2 year wait till i got itfor $350.00. It is a very well made. All stainess steel pistol. Rifled barrel.
It was designed a s a deep cover gun. There are no 45ACP smaller.
I have shot it only once. Very painful. My palm hurt for a week. Nobody else at the range wanted to shoot the little 45.
One of the gems in my collection.
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