Monday, November 1, 2010

How We Roll in MA...

Turner Says He Won’t Step Down
BOSTON (CBS) – City Councilor Chuck Turner maintained his innocence during a rally in Roxbury on Saturday.

Just one day earlier, Turner was found guilty of accepting a $1,000 bribe and lying to FBI agents.

Turner spoke from the back of a truck before about 150 supporters in Dudley Square, saying he will not give up his city council seat, because he feels he did nothing wrong.

Now, you've got to remember something. During Turner's trial for accepting the bribe, the defense insisted that since the tape had to be slowed down to see the money changing hands, it was inadmissible as evidence. Yes, you read that correctly - they were trying to make the claim that since Turner took the money so quickly (done it a time or two, perhaps?), it shouldn't count. In their world, if the bribee is sufficiently adept at pawning the bribe fast enough, they should get away with it.

And Turner is taking this and running with it. He's still insisting he did nothing wrong, even with video evidence to the contrary. He's maintaining his innocence despite all evidence to the contrary, a modern day Chip Diller urgently pleading with the rampaging crowd that all is well. Then again, from Turner's point of view, why not claim ignorance? He'll be re-elected in a landslide like Dianne Wilkerson was after being arrested for tax evasion, and life for him will go on as usual. If I were one of his constituents, what would really rankle me is not that he could be bought, but that it was so cheap...

If there were an Oscar for acting indignant, Turner would win walking away...

That is all.


Bob S. said...

It amazes me the chutzpah some people have -- the F.B.I. thought they had enough evidence to prosecute successfully, the prosecuting attorney thought there was enough evidence to find guilt, the judge (probably multiple times) thought there was enough evidence to find guilt and finally a jury of his peers convicted him of the crime -- finding him guilty.

Yet like many gun banners, he has no shame. He can stand up there and say he is not guilty.


Wonder if someone stole money from him fast enough if he would think it was a crime?

hiroshi_tea said...

"because he feels he did nothing wrong."

Feelings trumping reality? where else have I seen this phenomenon? If the world ran on feelings, I would have a ton of free NFA items because I feel that it's my right to have them without paying tax.

shame this line of thought never works for us common folk

Old NFO said...

Better you than me my friend... sigh... That is just pathetic, must be a democrat

Lissa said...

At least it wasn't slow-mo video of him stuffing it into his crotch. The bra-bribes were enough in that particular vein of Corruption Pr0n.

Stretch said...

Bitch set him up!!!

Anonymous said...

Are we playing "Guess Which Party" again? I don't see any party reference in the story, heh, heh.
And of course he doesn't see aything wrong. He's a double; a minority AND a demmo, accepting bribes and stealing elections is what they do.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Anon 10:16, so far there are over 30 people going to jail in the Cuyahoga County Government Corruption Scandel up here in the Cleveland, Ohio area, and 99% are White People of various European Ancestry. Corruption is an Equal Opportunity Player.