Fair Game
Plame's status as a CIA agent was revealed by White House officials allegedly out to discredit her husband after he wrote a 2003 New York Times op-ed piece saying that the Bush administration had manipulated intelligence about weapons of mass destruction to justify the invasion of Iraq. Written by anonymous
With Sean Penn as Joe Wilson! Oh, this ought to be good. Welcome to 2003, folks! We're rehashing nearly eight year old pseudo-scandals in an effort to distract the sheep from the train wreck that is the Ă˜bama administration. Double digit unemployment? Deflation? TSA Gropefest? Doesn't matter, because someone in the Bush administration may have "outed" a CIA operative eight years ago.
Pathetic. Truly pathetic. This whole event, start to finish, doesn't even rise to the level of farce. I mean, you'd think after Karl Rove was arrested, tried, and sentenced to life in prison for his role in this- wait, he wasn't. They got Scooter Libby, an aide to Dick Cheney, for perjury - even though we were told over and over that perjury was no big deal in 1998. Of course, then it was President Clinton committing perjury, so it wasn't a big deal. Plame "suffered" from this by having her name splashed across every newspaper in the country and getting multi-million dollar book and movie deals. Oh, please. Give me some of that "outing"...
A movie about an exceedingly minor scandal that happened eight years ago is the best they can do? Seriously?
That is all.
Link sent by reader Ben - thanks!
And they call *us* bitter clingers.
Pot meet kettle.
This the same Major Box Office potential as all thoose big award winnig Gulf War /Iraq War movies that came out durring the Bush administration.
.......and if I could remember the names of any of them........
And they're still lying about it.
It was a State Dept. not a White House official who "leaked" her name.
Actually, it was Joe Wilson who leaked her name at every cocktail party he attended, as per Andrea Mitchell (before she realized this could be used to hurt Bush).
I don't know enough about the whole scandal to really have much of an opinion. I don't like the idea of someone's career getting shit canned because of the political opinions of her husband, but then again she did choose a career in the government. And to me anyway, outing her was the kind of dick move you'd expect from a pissed of a pissed of administration.
Regardless of when it happened, outing an undercover operative is a crime, and I still don't understand why Armitage didn't go to prison for it.
It's quite possible that assets in foreign countries - real people who were helping the US cause - died due to what happened to her.
What happened here is wrong, no matter whose administration it was and how long ago it happened.
Spicoli needs to shut up and get back to making a spectacle of "helping people" and "doing something." Asshole.
Protection of officers and assets is the prime reason behind THE LAW that was cited.
The prime reason behind THE PROSECUTION of White House staff was to punish Bush for beating Gore in 2000.
Never confuse the two.
The absolute best part of the "scandal" was that the media were the only ones who knew what was going on and they kept their mouths shut.
Armitage is the one who said to Novak, "Wilson's wife at the CIA...."
He didn't think he was leaking that because everybody on Joe Wilson's cocktail circuit already knew that.
I still find it hilarious that "leaking" the name of a CIA employee who worked at Langley (and drove into work everyday she worked, sans super-secret disguise) is the Worst Crime of the Century!!!!!! while the NY Times leaking actual operations (the banking deal, their "secret" airline, and so many more) are great feats of "journalism".
That "scandal" had so many layers of hilarity is almost wasn't funny.
I thought the movie was great... it had Cindy Crawford topless! I mean--dude!
Oh wait, that was the 1995 version...
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