Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday Morning Stupid

'Ghost train' hunter killed by train in North Carolina

(CNN) -- The facts: On August 27, 1891, a passenger train jumped the tracks on a tall bridge near Statesville, North Carolina, sending seven rail cars below and about 30 people to their deaths.

The legend: On the wreck's anniversary, the sounds of screeching wheels, screaming passengers and a horrific crash might still be heard. You might also see a uniformed man with a gold watch.

Apparently on the anniversary of the crash, a group of folks thought it would be a neat idea to hang around on the bridge and wait for the "ghost train". They were trespassing on train company property, but the bigger problem was that no one thought to consult the real train schedule:
Instead, a real Norfolk-Southern train -- three engines and one car -- turned the corner as it headed east to Statesville, about 35 miles north of Charlotte, authorities said.
One person was struck and killed by the real train, and another was injured when she was pushed off the bridge in an attempt to save her. While it's a shame that someone lost their life over something as trivial as trying to catch a glimpse of a "ghost train", it's even more shocking that no one in the entire group thought to check on the possibility that a real train might be coming through. To be standing on a high railroad bridge in the middle of nowhere without checking whether any actual trains were coming by, though, is positively Darwinian...

Okay, I'm done railing about this one...

That is all.


ASM826 said...

Wouldn't the one that hit him be a ghost train? I have an ice-cream maker and it makes ice cream. Here we have a train that makes ghosts.

JB Miller said...

My brother is a hard core rail fan.

He has an app on his phone that can give you the location of any or all trains. Right down to a single box car.

Ghost locations, not so much...

Butch Cassidy said...

Am I a bad person if my first reaction to this was to laugh because the sperm whale from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy jumped into my head?

"I wonder if it will be friends with me?"

cybrus said...

Not only would I check the schedules, I'd have climbing rope with me already rigged as a harness. If the schedule was wrong, I'd still have options...

Old NFO said...

Sigh... stupidity and I'll bet booze were BOTH involved.

ZerCool said...

Hey, look on the bright side...

They DID get to hear screeching wheels and screaming.