Saturday, November 20, 2010

Super Mega Mondo Blogroll Update...

Okay, it's been a while since I've added folks to the blogroll - mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. I've got quite a few blogs to add, including a new blogson. Let's welcome the following new folks to the blogroll:

1. The Feral Irishman. This a triple add - not only have I met commenter and frequent provider of blogfodder PISSED, but it seems as though he's claiming me as his blogfather. I'm all verklempt!

2. The Holding Cell. RedneckMP is a Gunblogger Conspiracy denizen and an active member of the US Armed Forces (thank you for your service) currently stationed in Hawaii.

3. Not a Tango, nothing to see here. Tango is another Gunblogger Conspirator and all around good chap.

4. Tranquility Lost. Hmmm. Shaved head biker who likes guns and cars. I have no idea why he blogrolled me...

5. Greasy Gears. I sense a pattern here - hunter, gearhead, and all around interest in things what work.

6. ViolentIndifference. VI took the highly unorthodox approach of sending me an e-mail to let me know I was on his blogroll. It's surprisingly effective...

That's a hint to anyone out there that has MArooned on their blogroll but is not represented on the ever-expanding list to the right...

That is all.

1 comment:

bogie said...

OMG - a separated at birth moment. I had to do a double-take there for a second when I hit the Tranquility Lost site!