SigSauer P210 Legend
The legendary Swiss Army Pistol P210 - now relaunched by SIG SAUER: Swiss precision made in Germany. The P210 is well known as one of the best handguns in the world: High class material excellent processed to tightest fitting and superior precision. We even improved the original: The internal drop safety, the modern sights, american magazine catch, handy magazine bottom and the heavy frame ensure most comfortable handling. The robust QPQ coating and the smooth safety lever delight collectors and connoisseurs.Single action. Heavy frame. Target sights. Single stack. Oh, man, this is one sweet pistol. All indications, of course, are that it will be priced commiserate with the accouterments, so this will be a grail gun of sorts. But damn, the P210 - that's up there with the S&W model 41 for rimfire or the Colt Python for .357 Magnum as far as out of the box great shootin' from the factory. There are currently two 9mm handguns in the G. armory - a P226 and a Hi-Power - it would be nice to add a single action, single stack target gun to the mix...
*sigh* So many guns, so little money - what guns out there are exceeding your grasp at the moment?
That is all.
I want a Python, 4" in Colt's "Royal Blue" finish. When you can find one, the price runs easily North of $1k.
With a price commensurate to the quality, I commiserate with you about your dilemma.
(WV=tostore" I kid you not. The signs all point to you getting this.)
Now, I just need a third job, and sell a kid or two into slavery.
I still want an original, too. And yes, I would carry the beast.
What guns are exceeding my grasp?
Currently: all of them. Even what I thought I might splurge on with some graduation money, other events have sucked my finances dry.
I would be wary. The current SIGs are not as good as their German made forerunners.
That's a nice looking pistol. I wouldn't mind having one at all.
Right now I want a Bushmaster MOE. Had to sell my AR when I was laid off and I've been hurting for another one ever since.
The Holy Grail, except it's not in .45 ACP! (and no left-hand safety). Mine used to be a Browning (PBUH) High Power. I finally acquired same, and happily possessed for a few years (until the burglars took the entire 800# safe and the other 50 firearms!)
Restarting the collection, and never leaving home again!
Looks like a cool gun, but I don't like having a safety where normal Sigs have a decocker. JMB put the safety in the right place back in 1903. All of my handguns either have the safety where it belongs or no safety at all.
I wanted one and Swiss Dagger has some sweet used ones while Simpsons does too, but they're out of my price range at $2500+/$3500 and I don't have anything else in Teh Eurokaliber.
Since it pre-dates "normal Sigs" the location of the safety, where it is and what it is existed prior to the invention of the de-cocker.
The regular P210 is about $2000-2500 or so I believe... this would be more.
Mind you, around here, practically everyone who competes in shooting in the 9mm category and is even approaching having a toplist placement, does so with a Sig Neuhauser P210. (I think there was a single exception in the top 20 last year).
Wether that is solely based on performance or name is another matter, but surely there is something to it.
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