Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"Lisa needs braces. DENTAL PLAN!"

So, TheBoy needs braces. Specifically, he needs headgear to correct an overbite. That's the bad news. The good news is that it looks as though that's his only dental issue, and won't need to have teeth repositioned like I did to prevent overcrowding.

I just hope he doesn't wind up like Lisa Simpson:

These pre-date stainless steel, so you can't get them wet...

That is all.


SCI-FI said...

"We could drive her around the South and charge two bits a gander."

Lissa said...

Just tell him to be damn grateful he doesn't need a palate expander. I'm STILL traumatized by that bitch.

Anonymous said...

That's the same thing our kid had to get. There goes $8 grand from the JayG gun fund. :(

Linoge said...

Ugh. Headgear. Now there are some not-fond memories...

Anonymous said...

The headgear these days is not as bad as when I was a kid. It's just a little stainless steel wire. He only had to wear it at night and around the house for a year. Didn't have to wear it to school at least.

JB Miller said...

My daughter had a palate expander with all her other braces. Hell, I was traumatized and I was just the guy with the wrench that had to turn it a half turn. Worked great though.

My wife has the Invisaclear braces. they have been amazing.

Old NFO said...

Feel for him AND your pocketbook Jay...

bogie said...

Over crowding is easy to cure (well, in my case it was). When I was a kid, I had 4 teeth pulled (2 upper and two lower) because I just didn't have the room. Then wore a spacer (sometimes) for a couple of years.

A dentist I saw a couple of years ago tried to tell me I must have had braces when I was younger. He argued when I told him I hadn't.

Bianca Jackson said...

Ugggh, nobody wants to wind up like Lisa and other people who had that kind of corrective headgear. I am totally thankful that dental technology has improved over the years, leading my cousins to have a better smile while not damaging their social status at their school in Las Vegas.