Friday, December 31, 2010

Not Sure On This One, Either...

Reader Kevin sent me this article as a DGC addition:

Retired officer shoots restaurant robber

UPDATE: Baltimore police told us a few minutes ago that the person shot has been declared brain dead. Additional details are below.

Details remain slim, but police say a retired Baltimore officer shot and critically wounded a man who tried to rob a Pimlico carryout Wednesday night.

A man described as being in his late teens or early 20s brandished a handgun inside Judy's Island Grill & Bake Shop. The retired officer, who was eating inside, confronted and then shot the gunman.

If this were any state other than Maryland (and maybe New Jersey), I'd allow it - the shooter was not an active police officer on duty. But Maryland is funny - ask T-bolt about getting a concealed carry license in the Old Line State. It's exceedingly difficult for an ordinary citizen to get a concealed carry license in Maryland; the retired police officer was granted permission (and it GALLS me to type that) because of his former status as an Only One. While he was, technically, a private citizen at the time of the shooting, his status as a retired police officer is the only thing that allowed him to legally carry his sidearm.

I really don't know how to score this. I posted the DGC rules a while back, and this story falls squarely into the grey areas. The person doing the shooting was not active law enforcement, and appears to have been legally carrying his firearm, so on that basis I think I'm going to allow the addition. But it frosts my ass that had it been T-bolt or MBtGE in that restaurant, they would have - by law - had to leave their firearms at home and would have either had to confront this goblin with a knife, or not at all.

That's wrong on many levels, and if you think that depriving good, honest people of the best means to defend themselves has a single thing to do with controlling criminals, then you, with all offense meant, are an idiot.

Dead Goblin Count: 114

That is all.


Lupis42 said...

Is there something I'm missing about emphasizing "gauls"?

If not, you want "galls"

Jay G said...

/me facepalms

No, I'm not French...

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

Stoopid French!

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

"Maryland, the State that's run like the City of Chicago, only not as competently."

Anonymous said...

Point of fact is that for the four years I lived in the sh**hole known as maryland( I was working in DC), I was pretty much always guilty of violating that particular law. Deep cover carry can be your friend.