Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ayo Gorkhali...

Several folks sent in the following story as a potential Dead Goblin. Since it's outside the US, it doesn't make the count, but this dude is such a badass I had to feature him.

Lone Nepali Gorkha who subdued 40 train robbers

A retired Indian Gorkha soldier recently revisited those glory days when he thwarted 40 robbers, killing three of them and injuring eight others, with his khukuri during a train journey. He is in line to receive three gallantry awards from the Indian government.

POKHARA, Jan 13: Gorkha soldiers have long been known the world over for their valor and these khukuri-wielding warriors winning the British many a battle have become folklore.

40 against one and he kills three and wounds 8 others? With a knife? That's badass personified right there. And this is from a retired soldier! Granted, some of the article reads like recruiting material for the Gurkhas, but still. Total badass.

Do not, ever, mess with a Gurkha - unless you want a Kukri through your melon, that is...

That is all.


Phssthpok said...

You no doubt are aware of 'Badass of the Week', yes? Seems he's being hailed as this week's 'Badass'.

Butch Cassidy said...

I would totally count this one on principle, fly to Nepal, and buy the guy a fiery whisky.

ExurbanKevin said...

Why do I carry a pistol?

Because a Gurkha won't fit in a holster.

notDilbert said...

I've seen that movie....

libertyman said...

One of the last scenes in "The Man who Would be King" -- the Gurkha goes into the mob with his knife --- a great scene!

Anonymous said...

Link not working

Veeshir said...

This is both my favorite Gurkha story and one of my least favorite "Fail Britannia" storis.

A Gurkha unit is told to get a Taliban guy and bring in his body.
They come under fire and have to retreat to one of these 5 foot nothing badasses had a conundrum.
So he beheaded the guy and just brought back the head.
You can almost hear his confusion as he tries to figure out what the problem is.
The Brits were going to prosecute him, but I think they let it slide.
Possibly apocryphal story in that link
Stories of the Gurkhas are legion. My favourite is the tale of the Gurkha sergeant being told his men would be jumping into enemy territory. He returned next day to say the men would rather jump from below 500ft on to marshy ground. 'But your parachutes won't open,' said the Colonel. 'Ah,' said the sergeant. 'No one mentioned parachutes.'