Friday, January 21, 2011

Blogroll Updates...

A funny thing happened when I did my blogroll update last week - people actually e-mailed and commented to let me know they had me on their blogrolls! Yay for listening to instructions!

Please welcome the following new blogs to the MArooned blogroll:

1. Preachers & Horse Thieves. How can you not like someone whose list of random quotes starts with a quote from Firefly?

2. Firepower & Philosophy. RauĆ°bjorn is another Gunblogger Conspirator and has a pretty similar outlook on things (Where are we and how did we get in this handbasket?).

3. Chaos-in-motion. Nylarthotep is another New England blogger (dude! come to a shoot or a dinner!). Describes self as "socially ataxic" - heh.

4. Tacticaltupperware. mdev is the VC fan mentioned below who remembered to send the link this time... :)

UPDATEThere's one more blogger who e-mailed me to let me know I was on his blogroll (another VC fan, AAMOF, although I won't hold that against him); however he neglected to give a link, so this may be updated later. And remember, if you don't see your blog represented in the 'roll and I'm on yours, let me know!

Is blogroll. Is not safe.

That is all.

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