Monday, January 24, 2011


Some guy named Chance reviews Michael's excellent "Executive" holster.

I'll second Chance's observations - I have an Executive II for the Smith & Wesson J-frame and it's my go-to holster when I'm carrying the little .357 Magnum Snubbie from Hell. The Executive II all but disappears under pretty much any cover garment - and a tucked-in T-shirt counts. Sure, there's two small clips showing, but if you put the hooks over your jeans and put the belt over the loops they're invisible - not that anyone that wasn't a gunnie would notice them anyways.

Man, that Chance guy sure knows how to write - it's a shame he doesn't have a blog or something...

That is all.

1 comment:

Eseell said...

He's pretty wordy. I bet he'd be a regular Kevin Baker if he blogged.