Wednesday, January 5, 2011

In the Dictionary Under "Redundant"...

Obama spokesman Gibbs to leave White House
Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama's press secretary, Robert Gibbs, will leave the White House after the upcoming State of the Union address, he told CNN on Wednesday.

Gibbs will become a pundit, supporting White House positions on cable television and in speeches, White House staff said.

(emphasis mine) Right, because if there's anything the Ă˜bama administration doesn't have enough of, it's syncophants in the media... Wonder if Gibbs can borrow Chris "Tingle up my leg" Matthews' kneepads? And a parting shot: Notice that Ari Fleischer resigned from his position of George W. Bush's press secretary, but Gibbs "will leave". A subtle difference to be sure, but a difference nonetheless.

Media bias - they haz it.

That is all.


Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

"Wonder if Gibbs can borrow Chris "Tingle up my leg" Matthews' kneepads?"

He won't need to. Since he worked directly under (heh) Obama, Chris Matthews will be glad to use those kneepads himself to fellate Gibbs.

After all, what you give to the high priest will eventually make its way up to The Won.

wv: resserom - They'll perform the aforesaid act of worship in the men's resserom.

Old NFO said...

It just keeps getting better and better :-)

Robert said...

I'm feeing particularly stupid this morning. What's the significance of "resign" versus "will leave"?

Jay G said...

Semantics, mainly.

People rarely *resign* for a good reason.

People "leave" to pursue other options.

Robert said...

Ah. Thank you. So, it's sorta like the diff 'twixt "forced" and "by choice". I think. Sigh. I need a nap...