Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Not Missing This One!

Since I completely spaced and missed posting a fitting picture on 1/9/11, I figured I'd make up for it today. Here is, for today, one 1911:

NFO, look - A Smith!

Heh. Get it? 1/19/11? One 1911? I crack myself up sometimes...

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

Should have taken the picture for the other side to display the external extractor. That really cheezes the purists off.

The fact that the extractor works like a champ does it even worse! : )

Robert said...

So, I presume on Feb 19th you'll have a picture of 2 1911's? How many months could you get through using just your own guns?

Jay G said...

Heh. My cunning plan has been exposed...

Right now I could make it through May...

Old NFO said...

Smartass :-) Nice looking pistol!

Sabra said...

I'll admit I wondered why the hell all of y'all missed that date. I had to point it out to the guy!