Thursday, January 20, 2011


Since The World's Most Dangerous Librarian is off in the desert teasing us with shots of sun and warmth, BB&Guns will not air tonight at 8:00 PM. Breda will be off shooting guns in the warm AZ desert around air time, actually (she wanted me to tell y'all that so you can be properly jealous...)

We'll be back on the air next week at 8:00 PM EST on Thursday, so tune in then for your next fix of BB&Guns (and me!). We'll both have plenty to talk about, and there might even be a guest caller - seeing as how having Marko on last week's show was such an awesome time.

Tune in for more BB&Guns next week at the same bat time, same bat channel - but not tonight.

That is all.


Wally said...

I finally have a Thursday night free.

My luck is nothing if not consistent.

Lissa said...

Jacuzzi tub is calling my name anyway