Friday, February 4, 2011

Holy Smokes!

I saw something this morning on my ride into work that I haven't seen in a long time. No, it wasn't someone using their turn signal - that would have been a sign of the impending apocalypse and I would have gone straight home. It was something almost as rare around here, though. I honestly can't remember the last time I saw it. What was this rarity you ask?

A dry patch of roadway.

That is all.


Midwest Chick said...

It's as rare as that shiny ball that rose in the east this morning.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, it'll be gone again tomorrow.

Scott said...

Have you not heard of black ice? Beware, it's an evil trap!!

Weer'd Beard said...

Mustn't be anywhere near me. I'm pretty sure they don’t make that stuff anymore. The "Blacktop" of my driveway has been white for almost 3 months now.

Bubblehead Les. said...

I wonder what Politician-For-Life lives on that stretch of road.

Anonymous said...

These are disturbing signs indeed! in addition to he road that was DRY! And the weird rare shiny ball that Midwest Chick reports, I, too had an ominous sign! For a couple of hours last week, the sky actually CHANGED COLOR!

YES! The familiar grey cloudy gloom was GONE, replaced with a weird color of azure blue.

I was very A-Scared, but then it quit and I was just depressed again.