Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Not An Addition, But...

Heh. Hunter sent this to me via e-mail, thinking (rightfully) that I'd enjoy it:

Woman nearly severs home intruder's hand with sword

FAIRBANKS -- A Fairbanks woman nearly severed a man's hand with a sword early Saturday morning as he was trying to break into her bedroom, according to Fairbanks police.

Police received a 911 call about 3:30 a.m. Saturday regarding a burglary in progress at a home in the Monroe Subdivison. When officers reached the home, they found a trail of blood leading through the house's kitchen and into its living room.
You just don't mess around with Alaskan women. Just don't. Had it been Sarah Palin she'd have shot, stuffed, and mounted his head on a plaque... In all seriousness, you have to wonder how many times something like this has to happen before the criminal element starts to get it. We have almost 130 cases of criminals getting dead in the commission of crimes; I'd wager that there's at least an order of magnitude more that we just don't hear about. One would hope at some point they'd get the hint and try a less dangerous line of work - like ice trucking or working in a Chilean mine...

Still, gotta hand it to that woman for keeping her cool despite the severity of the situation...

That is all.


Unknown said...

I believe he just came over to offer a hand. ba-dum-bum

SpeakerTweaker said...

He thought he'd selected a good victim, but when he got in he was stumped.
