1. AR-15 (Smith & Wesson M&P15 shown). Civilian version of the military's storied M-16. About as many manufacturers putting them out as 1911s (if not more).

2. Ruger Mini-14. Initially produced as a smaller version of the military's M-14, the Mini-14 was Ruger's "answer" to the AR-15.

3. Bolt Action (CZ 527 pictured). The potential for highly accurate results out of the .223 Remington round yields some highly impressive bolt action rifles.

4. Pump Action (Remington 7615 shown). The .223 Remington is so wildly popular that Remington designed a pump action rifle around it as a patrol rifle for police officers already familiar with the slid action of the 870 shotgun.

5. AR-15-based Pistols (Bushmaster AP-21 pictured). For those who really want to stretch the definition of "pistol-caliber"...

6. My favorite .223 Remington: Why, my own, of course:

What's your favorite firearm in .223 Remington?
That is all.
Hey, no love for the KelTec SU-16? It may be plastic but as it's a folding rifle that can pack down pretty small (for a rifle), it's pretty cool and deserves a spot in your bug out bag.
Ross, I'd like to say that I was trying to cover all bases, but the truth is I forgot about the Kel-Tec...
It's definitely worthy of consideration, especially since Kel-Tec was smart and made sure it took USGI magazines.
I might actually pick one up down the road as a back-up to the Bushie, come to think of it...
If I ever get something in .223, it'll probably be a single shot Rossi and I'll use it for pest control, that's if the Ammo Fairy GIVES me a bunch of .223. Read in the latest American Rifleman that SOCOM has finally gotten the Green light from the Puzzle Palace to stock up on the Scar family from FNH. Funny thing is, they have NO desire for the Scar Light in 5.56, and are only buying the 7.62 Nato Variants. Any guesses what the next obsolete U.S. Military cartridge is going to be?
No love for the Galil? Heavy as hell, but a solid Kalashnikov-based design.
Or all the recent bullpup designs? Regardless of personal opinion about ergonomics, ambidexterity, etc. they are getting popular with militaries all over the world.
Though still in development and probably not going to have a civilian release anyway, I'm geeking over the Magpul PDR. I just like the idea of it, and it looks cool, but come to think of it, if you could get ahold of one(legally, and of course, when development has finished), I think it would be quite a neat little home defense weapon.
Other than that, well the Ares Shrike is pretty neat.
The .223 pistol made me laugh out loud first time I saw it online, talk about life imitating art(Fallout anyone? The PC roleplaying game).
I'm interested in that pump-action rifle because it evades NJ's silly-ass AWB.
What kind of accessories are available for it in the EBR dept?
T/C Contender w/ gazillion power scope.
Have a Bushy.
I am fairly certain that anything that fits the 870 will work on the 7615, but don't just take my word for it... :)
I'd thought about it, too, because MA also has the AWB - it'd be nice to have a new gun that I can put a collapsible stock on and such.
Unfortunately, for what it is (a pump-action rifle), it's fairly expensive ($800 - $1000) - the price of a decent AR-15 variant. Can't justify the expense.
Now, if I came across something used for about half that...
Zoiks. At that price I'd just break down and buy a KelTek KSG and get an pre-evilled Black Shotgun.
Daewoo DR-200 aka Daewoo K2.
My DPMS Panther Sportical (don't laugh, it's fun, and at the height of 223 mania I got it for under $700, which was a steal).
Second vote for the Daewoo K-1 and K-2!
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