Monday, February 21, 2011

On The Lighter Side...

...I give you the headline of the day:

Police break up brawl at Chuck E. Cheese
TOPEKA | Police were called to settle a fight that erupted between adults celebrating separate birthday parties at a Chuck E. Cheese restaurant.

Officers responded to the child-oriented restaurant Saturday night after a disturbance started inside and spilled out into the parking lot, Capt. Bill Cochran said.

If you've ever gotten into a fistfight at a child's birthday party, you might be a redneck.

That is all.

1 comment:

Darren S said...

Compliments of some of the fine, upstanding citizens here in Cincinnati, OH last September.

There is so much wrong in there that one doesn't even know where to begin. Hell, I think Marko even commented on it when it happened.