Monday, February 14, 2011

The Species Has Amused Itself to Death...

Did alleged speedster hope to go viral?
An Oregon motorist allegedly went to great lengths, or speeds, over the weekend to post a video to Youtube, according to Oregon law enforcement.

A Marion County deputy clocked a vehicle going 118 mph in a 55-mph zone Saturday on Interstate 5, the sheriff's office said.

Depending on the circumstances, 118 MPH isn't all that dangerous. If we're talking about a lightly traveled stretch of road on off-hours, especially in an M-series BMW, it's fairly controllable and shouldn't have presented much real danger.


Think about that. This yutz is doing more than double the speed limit while trying to make his own video. He's focused on something other than traveling more than 60 MPH over the speed limit.

These are the people we're sharing the roads with, folks - there's a reason I drive a three ton truck...

That is all.


Rev. Paul said...

"there's a reason I drive a three ton truck..."

Amen, brother. I have one, too - seems a reasonable response to the pocket rockets & rice-burners trying to imitate Doc Brown's DeLorean.

Anonymous said...

You also ride.

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

Also: If you going to break the law, DON'T POST THE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE!!!!!

What an idiot.

Old NFO said...

And he'll probably breed too... sigh...

Phssthpok said...

I'm from the area... I know that stretch of is ANYTHING but lightly traveled (though if you're doing 55 on that stretch you're being passed by arthritic nuns on tricycles who flip you off as they go by)

Anonymous said...

What a slowpoke....

I have videos of me going upwards of 150 mph ....

.... but then, it's on a closed track, not a public higway.

There is soooo much opportunity for track time now, absolutly no reason to drive like that on a public road.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Doesn't anyone remember Nixon's Rule: "When the Police come looking for the tapes, make sure they're ALL erased"? 30, with an M3 and a 3rd Offense. If this guy killed someone, it would be Capitol Murder, 'cause he Premeditated the Act, and the Camera was the Proof.

Anonymous said...

This guy had me cringing.