Thursday, March 3, 2011

Friendly Warning...

Guns, Holsters, & Gear has a notice from an ammo distributor that they will be raising prices.

It sounds like now would be an excellent time to stock up. Actually, any time is an excellent time to stock up - might be a good time to order up a case of your favorite ammo (shameless plug for here, who have handgun, rifle, and rimfire ammo available!), or stop into your local purveyor of death and pick up a box or two of your blaster's favorite food. The days of $11/100 round WWB 9mm and $90/1,000 rounds of 7.62X39mm are behind us, and sadly do not appear to be coming back.

Get it now before we're looking back at today's prices with fond nostalgia for the "good old days"...

That is all.


Bubblehead Les. said...

Triple Ditto! Not only Raw Material costs that are being driven up by the Overseas Purchasers of them (just look at the Commodities Market over the last few months and see what Copper, Tin, Lead, etc is running at), but add in the Energy Cost to Produce and Transport Ammo around the Country (gasoline $3.35 this morning near Cleveland), and if these Frakin' Commie Idiots who are pushing for another 60's Revolution (see Wisconsin) get their way..... I'd also make some room, put up shelves, and get at least 3 months (6 would be better, more would be Mo'Better still) of Food and Water for every member of the Household, plus a way to cook food/purify water if the Grid goes down.

Now, this is where I differ from my fellow Gunnies somewhat. I'm from the "Common Armory School" (Yes, I brought a lot of old and various Weapons to the NorthCoast Blogshoot, but I left my Common Stuff back home). That means, for example, if I have Pistols, they'll all be (______) in the Same Caliber and take the same Magazines.Think of a Military Armory, or the Rifle Rack in an Western Movie's Sheriff's Office in case he had to arm a Posse. The days of having One of these, and One of those, and look at the neat old gun that I just bought at the Gun Show last week that no one makes ammo for anymore are gone FOR ME until the Troubling Days Ahead calm down. The way the World is going, if I have a Gun Breakage, I'd better be able to fix it or replace it by myself, because my Gunsmith may not be available to me anymore. Also, LOTS of Magazines loaded and ready to go.

I hope things get better, but I 'd rather be prepared as well as I can be unlike most of my fellow Americans who will be running around like chickens with their heads cut off WTSHTF.

YMMV, of course.

Justin Buist said...

Well, I'll be. After factoring in shipping charges they're still cheaper than on 7.62x39mm.

I might have to start using these guys!

Jay G said...


You need to remember where I am.

WIth my armory, I intend to be the Supreme Grand Ruler of MA after TEOTWAWKI.

I've got my face collander and leather banana hammock all ready!


(Seriously, good advice there).

North said...

"... leather banana hammock all ready!"

Silk. It clearly conveys all of the... details.

Anonymous said...

" does not ship to Alaska, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York City..." Sometimes I really hate where I live...