Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'll Take "Ways to Die" for $500, Alex...

Driver Injured In Avon Crash Involving MBTA Commuter Rail Train
AVON (CBS) – A 75-year-old driver was injured Thursday in a crash involving a Commuter Rail train on the Middleboro/Lakeville line.

The driver’s car was struck at the railroad crossing on East High Street in Avon (Map It).

There's video at the link. Two things are certain: 1. There are lights and a gate at the intersection; and 2. In a car/train collision, the car loses. Big time. I'll be damned if I can figure out what happened - it looks like the car might have tried to beat the train and bounced off the front, or perhaps didn't stop in time and got dragged... Physics, folks, will not be denied - a thousand or so tons of train versus a one, one and a half ton car is going to end badly for the person in the car...

Obey the laws of thermodynamics Newtonian motion, people!

That is all.


North said...

"thermodynamics" ??

Newton's laws of motion, perhaps?

Brad_in_IL said...

I'm w/ North . . . . Newtonian MECHANICS -- the same laws of nature which govern things like planetary motion.

- Brad

Jay G said...

There, better?

Damn pedants... ;)

North said...

Yes, it IS better.

Or did you expect us to have the opposite reaction?


Irish said...

Just maybe it was a circumstance where the train was invisible?

Kinda like this.... ( luckily the train was going slow)

Brad_in_IL said...


Speaking of Newton's laws, the Higgins Museum in Worcester is having a TREBUCHET contest at the end of April. Could you imagine a Northeastd Bloggers Treb? What fun that would be. Rules are on the museum website. Contest is called "Seige The Day" - heh.

And I'm still w/ North on this . . . such an error we could not let slip by. As for the "damned pedant" characterization - the shoe fits.

And while I'm co-opting your post, my required {spit} safety course is tomorrow. App is complete and ready to be filed.

- Brad

Heath J said...

Bleh. More stupidity from the Too Fucking Old to be on the road.

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad the grandkids weren't in the car. -8notch

Robert said...

See the end of "Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry" for example of train / car interaction.

ASM826 said...

Maybe he was texting.

The comments sent me off to read about the laws of thermodynamics.

Cliff Smith said...

When I was in the navy, it was called the law of gross mass displacement, ie when large ship "carrier" and small ship "destroyer" try to occupy the space, small ship loses.

Stretch said...

How do you mount a bayonet on a trebuchet?