Monday, March 7, 2011

More Like This, Please...

The Big Guy sends in another DGC addition:

Intruder dies in shooting while invading neighbor's home

A trail of dried blood leading from the front door of a house in Shreveport's Caddo Heights neighborhood betrays the house's peaceful demeanor, giving a hint of the deadly home invasion that happened inside Sunday night.

It's the second two-man home invasion in Shreveport in two weeks that resulted in the shooting death of one of the intruders by an occupant with the intruder's weapon, according to Shreveport police.

Yeah, I know we're all broken up about that. I'm happy with the current state of goblin firearm retention, thanks... I love these stories, because it means three things: 1. the homeowner isn't going to lose his own gun; 2. it's yet another poke in the eye to the "don't use a gun for defense because the bad guy will take it away from you" canard; and 3. another dead goblin.

Once again, in closing, listen to the advice of the police when they tell you to give an invading goblin what they ask for - and if they're busting down your front door with a weapon in hand, they're asking for a 230 grain to the sternum...

Dead Goblin Count: 135

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Have you noticed that it always seems to be the bad guys having their weapons taken from them in such situations? We all know how the antis like to say "your attacker will just take your gun and shoot you with it," but amazingly enough that pretty much NEVER happens...

Tango said...

Holy crap. 230 grain? What are you shooting them with?

Jay G said...
