Friday, March 4, 2011

Operation Gunrunner...

Bayou Renaissance Man has an excellent post up about this scandal:
I've written on three previous occasions about allegations that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) actively condoned and permitted illegal gun purchases in the USA, and tracked the guns to Mexico, as part of an apparent attempt to build up a case for future prosecution.
I wish I could say that this surprised me, I really do. I mean, you've got a Federal agency acting way outside the bounds of its charter and their actions result in the death of another Federal agent. There's a deliberate campaign to evade the gun laws they are supposed to be enforcing, resulting in international trafficking in arms - this isn't a shotgun with a barrel ½" too short here, or a stamp not affixed to a carton of smokes. But their actions for the past, well, at least three decades belie an apparently systematic belief that the rules are for other people, and that consequences simply do not happen.

Go. Read the whole thing. Spread the word...

That is all.


Sdv1949 said...

The whole story can be found at Codrea's "War on Guns."

He and Vanderboegh exposed this whole thing, but the more of us who post about it the better.

Mad Saint Jack said...

The word is spreading finally.

Rush just put the story out to a very large audience.

And it is posted on Hot Air now.

doubletrouble said...

"Sipsey Street Irregulars" & "War on Guns" has been on this for months.
Finally, it's getting the attention it deserves.

Anonymous said...

I believe there's now TWO federal agents who have been killed by weapons that the batboys helped smuggle to their killers.