Saturday, March 26, 2011

Too Awesome for Words...

In comments to the bacon post, Ancient Woodsman links this gem:

MMmmmmm. Meeeeaaaat...

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go fire up my grill...

That is all.


Irish said...

There are no words..... except YUMMMMEEE!

wolfwalker said...

That sets entirely new standards for the word "silly."

jumblerant said...

Any idea which courses at whatever University is studying this table? I'm so there...

Bubblehead Les. said...

Downloaded and Saved, transferred to various back ups, and will be available in case the Commie Vegan Conspiracy gains control over our Food Supply. "Teach your children well..."

Guffaw in AZ said...

WHY does everyone post about food!?
(gotta go eat, now)

Old NFO said...

Damn... NICE! :-)

greg said...

Ummm...neatest thing EVER.

BobG said...

LOL, a vegan's nightmare...

iPhone4 insurance said...

I never thought that there is also a table of meat. I don't actually have any idea about this. By the way, that’s a great article.

zeeke42 said...

Maybe I'm just too geeky, but it doesn't seem periodic table-y enough for me. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to the organization or how the meats are categorized. Also, Foie Gras seems to be absent. It's delicious AND it pisses off hippies, what's not to love?