Friday, March 18, 2011

Working At Cross Purposes...

Reader Karl sent me the following story, which I really have no idea how to react to.

Northampton police stop a man on King Street, confiscate loaded crossbow

NORTHAMPTON - A report of a man walking downtown with a gun led police to stop a man on King Street and confiscate a loaded crossbow, police said.

The man was not arrested, but the weapon and arrow were taken into police custody, said Lt. Michael Patenaude.

Northhampton, for those not familiar with MA, is kinda like MA's version of San Fran. Lots of flakes and nuts, lots of liberal arts colleges, etc. It's not surprising in the least that someone saw this dude walking down the street with a crossbow and soiled themselves before calling the cops.

I'm not sure what crime the crossbow committed, though, to be taken into police custody...

I really don't know what to think about this. Walking around with a loaded crossbow doesn't seem like the smartest thing in the world to do - crossbows aren't like firearms, where they're generally safe to carry around loaded. It's also similar to carrying around a loaded rifle - which is generally frowned upon in the Volksrepublik. But he wasn't charged with anything, which indicates to me that he wasn't drunk or anything.

Then again, this is Northampton - he may have been trying out for the role of Van Helsing or something...

That is all.


Lissa said...

Could be the Medieval flavor of Goth. I've seen 'em. :)

Ruth said...

Theres a scifi/fantasy/goth con going on there either this weekend or the next (I forget which), if its this weekend he was likely there for that, and considered it part of his costume.

Actually last year there there was a guy there wo was selling mini crossbows that shoot mini marshmellows, now that I think about it I'm surprised no-one called the cops on the bunch of us wo bought them and promptly went outside to pester the squirrels. We had lotsa fun!

Jay G said...

What's most surprising is that no one has called on the MA legislature to close the crossbow loophole...

Chris is Texas said...

But was it a Burleigh and Stronginthearm product?

Mark Alger said...

Maybe he was hunting that rabid squirrel?


Jay G said...

Chris with Pratchett FTW!