Thursday, April 28, 2011

But Then My Homework Was Never Quite Like This...

Oh, the irony...

PHOTOS: Teachers Behaving Badly
Courtney Bowles, 31

31-year-old Courtney Bowles was arrested after police say she was found nude in a car with a student. Bowles is an "instructional coach" at Mountain View High School whose role was teaching teachers about keeping a professional distance with students. She was being held on $50,000 person recognizance bond.
Something tells me that "professional distance" is not measured in nanometers...

That is all.


Angus McThag said...

"Professional" might have a different meaning here...

Anonymous said...

#8 and #10 just make me think of this:

Btw, blogger is buggy as hell about comments lately, I can't even view comment sections without running into an error while I'm logged into my google account.