Monday, April 4, 2011

Change of Heart?

Brad_in_ma sends in this story which notes an abrupt change on the part of the Øbama administration:

9/11 Mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to be Tried by Military Commission

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind behind the Sept. 11 terror attacks, will be tried in a military commission at Guantanamo Bay, Department of Justice officials said today. Mohammed was to have been tried in New York City, but city officials strongly objected to the move and Congress refused to appropriate funds to house Guantanamo inmates on mainland United States and to provide funds for a trial of extraordinary expense.
Because, you know, treating terrorism like a criminal matter worked so damn well all the other times it's been done that way. Detainees grow fat and lazy at Guantanamo Bay and the world cries out at their mistreatment. Imagine the uproar if they were housed in NYC jail? Imagine the uproar if the scent from a hot dog cart were to waft into his cell. Cruel and unusual punishment. Religious intolerance! It's a near-certainty that the usual suspects would be up-in-arms over the myriad ways poor Khalid could be mistreated in the Big Apple.

Now, being as how this is a military tribunal, will Mohammed face a firing squad if convicted - or will he dance the Danny Deever?

That is all.


Bubblehead Les. said...

Just watched Holder's Spin Doctoring. It's ALL the Tea Party's fault for passing those Evil Defunding Bills! Jay, he said they had to go back to Military Tribunals because it's taking too long to get the House to put the money back (and who stopped the Tribunals 3 YEARS AGO, Eric?), and if they don't move Quickly, it'll be a Threat to National Security!

In other words, Barry's only got 18 months to get Re-Elected, and he didn't want Holder to have to Lie under Oath in front of Congress tomorrow, just in case they have some Wikileaks- type info to put in front of Holder's face. Can't have those sound bites floating around during the Campaign season, you know.

FrankC said...

Bullets or hemp? A difficult choice.
A firing squad, to me, is a military punishment. Whereas hanging is the civilian equivalent.
S*d it. 9mm back of the head and the bill to his family.

Dave H said...

I dunno. Somehow I'm not fond of the idea of making another martyr for his buddies to worship.

I think locking him up and feeding him Alpo like the dog he is for the rest of his life might send the proper message, though.

TOTWTYTR said...

It became politically unfeasible to try them in NYC. In fact, it was always politically unfeasible to do it, but the Obama Show decided that it was good theater to pretend otherwise.

Remember, with Obama every promise has an expiration date.

Now that he's announced he's running again, he's going to pretend to be a centrist to try to fool the same fools that voted for him the first time.

Sadly, some of the rubes won't get the joke and will vote for him again.

Oh, and he sent Holder out to be the sad clown so that the rubes on the left will blame the evillllll Republicans.

Brad_in_IL said...

There's a better answer - decapitation. Under Islamic believe, death by decap (heh) denies entry into heaven, denies martrydom, and denies the 72 virgins. Give 'em the Daniel Pearl treatment, I say !!! But no . . . that's 'cruel & unusual' by today's standards. No worries, these sub-human scum aren't living in today's world . . . they're living in the 9th century.

- Brad

Stretch said...

Here's an audio of Danny Dever.

We need a foreign policy based on Kipling's works.

wolfwalker said...

Now, being as how this is a military tribunal, will Mohammed face a firing squad if convicted - or will he dance the Danny Deever?

I don't know what the military tribunals would be able to do ... but if an American serviceman is sentenced to death by a court-martial, the method of execution is lethal injection.

We need a foreign policy based on Kipling's works.

I'd support that. Military policy too.

"Ballad of East and West"
"The Destroyers"
"Tommy Atkins"
"Soldier an' Sailor Too'

A domestic policy based on "Gods of the Copybook Headings" wouldn't be a bad idea either.

Now this is the Law of the Jungle
-- as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.
As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk
the Law runneth forward and back --
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf,
and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.