Monday, April 4, 2011

Companion Piece...

Going along with the "researchers who perform vivisection should have their children murdered" lunacy is this bit of environmentalism sent in by Hunter:

Sitting in the Dark

Forget the World's Fair, we now have a new way to celebrate human accomplishment. Instead of going to see a vision of the future, we turn off the lights and sit in the dark for an hour. Earth Hour shows how far we have come from celebrating human accomplishment to celebrating the lack of accomplishment. For all its pretentious activism, environmentalism is a movement that promotes inaction. Don't build, don't create and don't do-- are its commandments. Turn off the lights and feel good about how much you aren't doing right now. Slacker morality at its best.

Yeah, that about sums it up. The author goes into far more detail on the insipid evil behind the environmental movement - or, as we should rightfully call it, the anti-humanity movement. Much like the mullahs preaching the 72 virgins and heaven in the afterlife for those who die while killing infidels - yet never strapping on the semtex underoos themselves - one has to notice that the leaders of the "Green" movement are hardly practicing what they preach.

Al Gore has his mansion, houseboat, and private jet. Paul McCartney had his "green" limo flown in from Japan. The environmental summit in Copenhagen saw "leaders" in the allegedly pro-environmental movement flying in on their private jets. Basically, "going green" - using less resources, less fossil fuels, less everything - this is an idea for other people to implement. They're not about to change their extravagant lifestyles for some silly planet!

It's when the message starts turning more dark that things get worrisome. The 10/10 campaign comes to mind, with those who don't wish to participate in "green" efforts being violently and ruthlessly disposed of - up to and including school children. The folks behind the ad claim that it was "shock value" designed to get people talking about it, but given the propensity for inciting violence inherent to the anti-capitalism crowd, one can't be certain.

Be aware, and make sure you're well-stocked on precious metals...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

the only precious metals that are needed to deal with those hypocrites are nickle, copper, and lead - and maybe a little silver thrown in the mix - to cover the vampiristic bits of their philosophy.

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

Silver is for werewolves. For those with vampiristic tendencies, an ash or oak core is needed.