Monday, April 4, 2011

Try Explaining THAT to Your Geico Rep!

Scalia fined after car accident
Washington (CNN) - A little car accident was not enough to stop Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia from making it to work on time Tuesday, and the 75-year-old jurist showed no effects on the bench of his earlier adventure. Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg confirmed that Scalia was involved in a fender-bender while driving himself to the court on the scenic George Washington Memorial Parkway in suburban Virginia.
Just imagine calling up your insurance agent and telling them that you got rear-ended by a Supreme Court Justice. I wonder how eager they'd be to settle that one out of court? Imagine the look on the poor insurance company lawyer when he sees the plaintiff's name? "Um, yeah, I think we'll settle on this one. No need to go to court!"

Then again, it could be one of the only times you could directly attribute your pain and suffering to the USSC...

That is all.


TOTWTYTR said...

I hope he knows a good lawyer! ;)

Anonymous said...

@TOTWTYTR - that's an oxymoron.

@MArooned - I can ascribe a LOT of my pain and suffering directly to the USSC!

chiefjaybob said...

For all the other times the government rear-ends us, at this this time it's tangible. For what it's worth, and for the way he's voted, Scalia can rear-end me anytime. Wait. That didn't sound right. I'll be back when I can figure out a better way to phrase that........

chiefjaybob said...

**At LEAST this time** Forgive the typo. I gots teh happy fingures tihs morning.......

Old NFO said...

Gotta agree with jaybob ;-) at least the first sentence... That WOULD be a fun one though! Imagine the cop's expression?