Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What I've Missed In MA...

Umbrella, not gun, caused mall evacuation

BURLINGTON, Mass., April 19 (UPI) -- A young man innocently walking with an umbrella mistaken for a rifle triggered the evacuation of a shopping mall in Burlington, Mass., Tuesday, police said.

WHDH-TV, Boston, reported the unidentified man called state police from the Lahey Clinic in the Burlington Mall shortly after the 10 a.m. incident began to report he was the person two people had reported seeing in the shopping center with what looked like a short-barreled rifle. He said it was really just the umbrella he had in his backpack.


Really? Some imbecile confused an umbrella with a rifle? In a backpack? Stop wasting my precious oxygen. Seriously. If you are that fearful of weapons that you start seeing them where they clearly are not, check yourself into a nice, safe place with padded walls where men in nice white coats will come squirt lithium down your throat with a turkey baster.

Whatever you do, do not go out in public - those evil black assault Totes™ are everywhere!

That is all.


Matt said...

We just had the same happen here in Roanoke 2 or 3 wks ago. These stupid people are everywhere.

notDilbert said...

Well...... not just an Umbrella but an umbrella with a handle made to specficly resemble ( badly) the handle of a Samari sword and them deliberatly placed in the backpack in a manner to resemble a warrior carring a sword.

All this, only a few blocks from a struggleing business that teaches swordfighting......coincedence????

in any case.... Double FAIL since the reaction was probably supposed to be....

OMG......He's carring a Sammari Sword !!!!

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

I'm surprised it hasn't happened here on the VT campus, yet.

Matt, the stupidity at Valley View was even worse, because security made their call to the police based on a 40 minute old video and second-hand reports.

Weer'd Beard said...

Yep Jay they closed down the mall, had a Mobile HQ and Black SWAT trucks, and a gozillion black-clad Swat Ninjas on the ground, and a helicopter in the air....and the guy they were after went back to work at the hospital next door, and had no idea.

So no gun, just a silly umbrella...but they thought it was a gun, and still had no idea where he was.

And I was at the Lahey Clinic that night and the sheeple there seemed to think they did a great job!

*facepalm* These guys couldn't find their own dick with two hands and a road map!

North said...

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I called the SWAT team on a toddler eating black licorice. I thought it was a rifle...

TheMinuteman said...

It's better than one Jay, evidently it was like 5.

If this continues to become a regular occurance I'm going to create a matching counter to your DGC. GFWEC, Gun Fearing Wussy Exposure Count. This is the second umbrella this year and there was also an incident where a guy was talking on his cellphone in a car and someone called it in saying he had a gun.

That makes 3 so far this year, only reason I dont create the count is I think they're gonna be hard to dig out of the weeds since I think like the DGC many of them are very local stories.

Daniel in Brookline said...

Oh, come on, folks. I'm sure it was a Very Scary Umbrella (tm). For all we know, it could have had a forward grip and a flash suppressor... in which case, it's a good thing it was called in, because who knows what might have happened!!

Seriously, I'm with WB. They call this security?

Ruth said...

Now there was a case a while back where some xollege kid with an umbrella like this ended up with the cops on him because someone called in a guy with a sword, and I thought THAT was over reaction, but al least they IDed the right kind of weapon!