Monday, May 2, 2011

All Good Things Must Come to an End...

Well, the car minivan is packed up. Cleared out of the hotel. Picking up Weerd and Dennis and heading northeast towards home. After three days of fun, it's time to head back to reality, back to work schedules, baseball games, and the other accouterments of being a responsible adult. The NRA convention has been great - lots of networking, lots of awesome people (I got to hang out with Dan Coonan! And John Lott! And Alan Gura! And Alan Gottlieb! And... well, you get the idea.)

Now it's time to get back to the things that matter - home and hearth. While I have enjoyed the freedom of PA - including the awesomeness that is open carry - I'll be happy to see the "Welcome to Massachusetts" sign on the highway. As broken as it is, as anti-liberty and personal freedom as it is, it's still home. It's still where the important things are.

And tonight I'm going to tuck my kids into bed - right now I'm looking forward to that even more than I was looking forward to the convention.

That is all.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Drive safe Jay, and it was a pleasure seeing you again and meeting Weerd and Dennis!