Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dear Mouthbreather...

What part of "cutting in front of the large black pickup so quickly that the ABS deployed when the driver stomped the brakes" did you think was a good idea? There was no one behind me on the road for a good quarter mile - you could have waited an additional second and a half and merged onto the highway (that was a parking lot BTW) without endangering my life and yours. I mean, I understand that your piece of shit 12 year old Taurus isn't worth the powder to blow it to hell, but it'd be a stone-cold bitch scraping it out of my front bumper.

Brains. Grow some. Or get the hell off my road.

That is all.


Keystone said...

You should know by now that, if there is a "good option," a "bad option," and a "flamingly retarded" option, a Massachusetts driver will unerringly opt for the third.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Why are you driving in Pittsburgh today?

David said...

I constantly reminding my kids -

Half of everyone you meet out there in the big bad world will be of below average intellegence. As a society we allow them to drive, vote and procreate.

Don't be the incredible moron that everyone else goes home and tells stories about to their families, facebook friends and blog readers.

Anonymous said...

And don't do stupid things behind the wheel if you have a unique car and/or a distinctive vanity plate . . .

Daniel in Brookline said...

It took me a moment to realize you meant "Ford Taurus"; I thought you meant the other kind (particularly when you mentioned blowing it to hell).

Hey, I consider myself lucky; I did quite a bit of Massachusetts driving in traffic today, and I made it home in one piece. A good day.

Seth from Massachusetts said...

I had someone do that to me on 91 in Vermont once. Almost had the whole highway to myself and the guy passes me like I'm standing still then cuts in front of me and down the exit ramp, missing clipping my bumper and spinning me out by less than six inches. Looked in the mirror and saw a couple of hundred yards of vacant highway behind me he could have used to get over to the exit.