- Wear steel-toed shoes. Ever drop a 1990s era CPU tower on your foot from about chest height? You'll appreciate the difference between steel-toed boots and sneakers immediately. Plus the Scouts look at you funny when you hit your toes with a crowbar and it makes a 'TING" sound...
- Cliché though it may be, lift with your legs, not your back. Right now I'm in only mild discomfort as my muscles re-adjust, as opposed to being bedridden for the rest of the afternoon.
- Drink plenty of water. Heavy lifting under a late spring sun dehydrates you quickly, quicker than you might expect. Coffee don't cut it for rehydration, either.
- Avoid the temptation, hard as it may be, to have the greasy pizza for lunch. Seventeen year old Boy Scouts can scarf it down all day long. Forty year old Cubmasters who aren't used to greasy food will develop heartburn that feels suspiciously like "OMG my chest cavity is melting.
- Lastly, when all is said and done, listening to your son play his drums very loudly over and over again is not the way to relax...
That is all.
I always find it helpful to yell out that helpful line from Red Vs Blue: "lift with your back, it's the strongest muscle in your body!"
My husband discovered the "Pizza is no longer my friend" aspect of growing older. It is kinda funny to hear his "Seriously, do you think I'm having a heart attack??" countered with "No, dear. It was those tacquitos you ate."
Back when I was doing desk- side support, i almost always wore steel toes.
That would be why the only shoes I own are my "go fasters" for running. Boots are just plain handy.
That drumming will heal your soul. Listen with the ears of 50-year-old Jay, and you'll find yourself smiling.
Shoveled lotsa mulch today in the sun for my springtime body tuneup after a winter of sloth. Had XL pizza for lunch. I'm doin' it wrong and it feels like it now at bedtime. Blech. My sympathy, Jay.
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