Friday, May 27, 2011

Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss...

Alternate title: How's that HopenChange™ workin' out for ya?

Obama approves extension of expiring Patriot Act provisions

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama, who is attending a summit in France, directed the use of an autopen late Thursday to sign key provisions of the Patriot Act that were due to expire at midnight.

By a 250-153 vote, the Republican-led House agreed to extend the expiring provisions of the law passed after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Gitmo. DADT. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (and now Libya and possibly Pakistan). And now, the evil and much maligned (rightfully so) Patriot Act. I thought we elected Teleprompter Jesus to SAVE us from the evils of the Chimpy McHaliburton regime, not to bury us under retreads of same?

WEERD put it best: People hated Bush so much they painted him brown and put a D after his name.

That is all.


Irish said...

I putting that on FB to piss off my liberal friends... you say it so much better than I do!!!!

Matt said...

The Republicans ( minus those that voted against renewing the provisions ) are just as much the enemy as the democraps.

The removal of the Patriot Act should be THE litmus test for the 2012 election.

Jay G said...


Thanks! I was particularly proud of that one m'self...


Oh hell yes. My point was that the Republicans weren't the ones running *against* the EEEVIL Patriot Act...

As for removing it, well, of course I'd like to see that; of course I suspect we're more likely to see a repeal of the '34 NFA first...

Irish said...

I would also like to acknowledge Weer'd for a snarky, AWARD winning comment!!!

Robert said...

Autopen? So now thay can't even be bothered to sit down at their desk and actually sign the damn thing in person, but instead do it remotely?

notDilbert said...

with the autopen ....

the story will be

"HE never signed the Patriot Act"

Hey, don't laugh remember " I never had sex...."

Tam said...

Thanks, W!

Also, Bachmann shot herself neatly in the foot by voting for it.

I wouldn't vote for her for dogcatcher now.

wv: "uncon" No kidding.