Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Model 25 is Back...

Daisy's Model 25, that is:

Model 25

This was the first gun I ever shot. My grandfather had an ancient model 25 kicking around in one of the sheds out back that I came across when I was maybe 6 or 7. Being a curious little boy, I soon found a box of BBs and spent many an afternoon shooting at pretty much anything that didn't move away from me as fast as it could. And now, after an absence of some 33 years, the Model 25 is back. This pleases me.

They also had this special edition Red Ryder:

You'll shoot the NRA's eye out!

Pretty neat stuff at the NRA convention...

That is all.


Phil L. said...

Yes, the return of the Model 25 has been a bright spot for airgun folks.

While the new form of the model is manufactured in China (ssiiigghhh), it appears they're doing a good job with it.

Want to learn more about the history of the Model 25 - as well as its reincarnation? The airgun blog over at Pyramyd Air covered it nicely:

Bubblehead Les. said...

Looks like the price of a Model 25 will be coming out of your next paycheck. Family Tradition, right?

Jay G said...

That's a DAMN good idea, Les. Looks like a trip to WallyWorld is on the radar for this weekend...