From Weerd:
The photo is from JayG at the far left, then Zercool, LinkP, myself, and then the holster-maker himself. Most are strong-side Talons of various trim levels, my and Jay’s are flatjacks with snake skin, and Dennis is wearing the cross-draw Talon option.It was odd open carrying at a restaurant, and to be fair, we did get our share of raised eyebrows and sideways glances. No one panicked; no SWAT teams raided our party; no one was harmed in the taking of this picture. Despite there being more firearms at this party than at your average police qualification shoot, not a single person was shot, pistol-whipped, or even threatened, despite the large number of guns carried both openly and concealed (some by the same person...).
Holsters courtesy of Dragon Leatherworks.
That is all.
I did feel very safe walking around with this bunch. Even the guy on the left with the fancy shirt and matching grips and holster. ;)
Yes, who was that nattily-attired gentleman anyways? :)
Wonder how many Antis/Nanny Staters would have keeled over if they came to Lidia's and saw all that Hardware and Free Bourbon and (GASP!) CIGARETTE SMOKING on the premises, yet not one single drop of blood was spilled? Visions of Heads exploding like Usama Bin Ladin's come to mind.
I can't let you get away with claiming all this gun toting went down without incident.
Cemetery teased me about not having any guns on my person. Said I was a pansie-wimp or something like that.
So there. Harm was done. I'll get over it. Eventually.
Speaking of nattily-attired, who makes that grip that you are sporting?
Jay representin' for the revolver fans.
Jay's and Dragon's grips are by VZ
My thanks to whomever provided the free bourbon. That Elmer T. Lee Single Barrel was mighty fine stuff.
Ok you finally sold me, I'm off to buy a dragon holster. Actually what sold me was that the owner went on VC and if your willing to go on VC and openly admit that you own a company thus attaching VC to that company's reputation that you must have great stones and I like it.
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