Monday, May 30, 2011


PISSED sent me a link to this story, about a gentleman who used his CCW sidearm to defend himself against a gang of... pitbulls. While reading the story, though, I caught this link in the sidebar:

Mail carrier who defecated in yard gets to keep job
PORTLAND, Ore. - A mail carrier who was caught using a yard as his personal toilet will not be fired.

The incident happened last month at a home in southeast Portland and a neighbor, Don Derfler, captured the man in the act with his camera.
I remember hearing this story last month when it broke and just shaking my head. Now, though, it's rather infuriating. Mentioning this to Mrs. G., who worked as summer help at the post office, she was not surprised, uttering only one word: Union. Now, I'm trying to think about how many seconds I would last at my job if I:

a) Committed indecent exposure while on the clock; and
b) Exposed my co-workers and customers to a biological hazard.

I imagine the amount of time I would remain in the building would be measured only by the amount of time it took them to round out three stout gentlemen to throw me bodily out of the building...

Instead, he keeps his job, being reassigned to another route. One wonders exactly what a postal carrier would have to do to get fired on the spot; I imagine it would have to involve something on the order of a tactical nuclear device - or perhaps membership in the GOP...

And yet folks wonder why unions are looked upon with disdain...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

I suspect in some states being found to be legally carrying a gun on his route would get him tossed out faster then an email from Ignatius Piazza.

Anonymous said...

Union yes, but it was also a protected species.

TotC said...

Perhaps he was just following the Caganer's advice;

menja bé, caga fort i no tinguis por a la mort!

Wally said...

I spent my time as a postal carrier. Very interesting system. Really not sure what it takes to get fired... I don't recall anyone able to find out - and boy there were some pretty strong candidates there too.

BGMiller said...

Of course he wasn't fired.
He didn't squeeze the Charmin.


Ross said...


I used to know a letter carrier, and I remember him saying, a couple of nights before he became a member of the union, that the first day he was going to walk in with his johnson hanging out of his pants because they couldn't do anything to him about it. :-|

Anonymous said...

Well, at least the US Postal Service consistently turns a big profit every year. It if works that well, it must not be broken.

Roy said...

I'm not quite as ready to burn this guy as the rest of you are.

Have you ever had one of those times when you just had to go ***RIGHT NOW***, or you were going to fill your pants?

Well I have, and it's a very unpleasant experience. In a case like that, the nearest handy bush is your savior.

I remember this time a few years ago when a friend and I were driving through the back roads of eastern Kentucky on our way back to Louisville. He up and says to me: "I have to go to the bathroom. We need to stop."

I said something about the next town being about 5 miles down the road, and he replied: "No! You need to stop right now! I mean right this very minute!"

So I pulled off onto the shoulder of the road, and before I even got the car stopped, he was out the door and on his way up the side of the road cut and into the woods.

He came back a few minutes later looking pale and sheepish.

I asked: "Are you alright?"

He replied: "I think so, but I had to abandon my underpants up there."


I have had a few too many close calls like that myself, so barring some unknown facts, I'm willing to give this guy the benefit of the doubt.