Sunday, June 19, 2011

For the Dads...

Borepatch has a Father's Day must-read.

I don't talk much about my relationship with my father here. Suffice to say, Dad and I have had our differences over the years, from his (never concealed) disappointment at my failing to live up to his glory years in organized sports to differences of opinion on child rearing and everything in between. I can't deny that I am the person that I am today because of my father; in some ways due to a stubborn need to prove the man wrong; in other ways because of the lessons he went out of his way to teach me and made sure I stayed taught.

Go, take a read, and be careful - there's a lot of dust out today, and some of it might get in your eyes...

That is all.


Borepatch said...

Thanks, Jay. Happy Father's Day.

Old NFO said...

Indeed... thanks

Skip said...

Sorry to say that my old man was a dick, personified.
If he was still alive, I'd take him out.
But, I have heard from my girls and stepkids from all over the world today.
It was nice.

lelnet said...

"in some ways due to a stubborn need to prove the man wrong"

An important point. Even those whose fathers, frankly, sucked nevertheless owe big parts of their identities to that.

You can be as well-defined by actively rejecting a bad example as by actively following a good one.

I don't often give much thanks to either of my parents...indeed, I sympathize with "Skip". But for better or worse, I wouldn't be who I am if they hadn't been who they were.