Monday, June 27, 2011

I Am the Anti-Robb...

Not only do I review tactical pants, I actually wear them! Unlike some people who gallivant around sans pantalons, your humble host puts his on one leg at a time, yessirree bob. And when I get an e-mail out of the blue (meaning I didn't beg for it!) asking if I wanted to review another brand of tactical pants, GenuineGear Lightweight Tactical pants. Well, given that I've reviewed three different brands already (5.11 Covert, LA Police Gear, and Woolrich Tactical Elite), I jumped at the chance - you can never have too many options in the realm of tactical bloomers, right?

So new pants showed up over the weekend:


Haven't had much chance to try them out yet, other than a quick test to make sure they fit, so a longer-term evaluation and more in-depth review will be forthcoming. From a quick scan of the pants, there's a lot to like so far: reinforced front pocket edges for multi-tools or folders, deep front pockets for pocket carry, and a cell phone/spare magazine pocket. As to how they hold up over time, that'll be for the long(er) term portion of the review, but so far, they appear to be a solid entry in the tactical trouser market.

Granted, I haven't had time to duct-tape trauma plates to them yet...

That is all.


North said...

I guess I need a good reason to switch from my 5.11 shorts. (And more $)

Mad Saint Jack said...

You need that Logo on a t-shirt... G.