Tuesday, June 21, 2011

[Insert Trite, Overused Cliché Involving "1984" Here]

Obama plays up economy, health care at fundraisers

President Obama was all smiles at two fundraising events Monday night in Washington - one included supporters of a strong U.S.-Israel relationship while the other was attended by dozens of big donors from the Mid-Atlantic region.

At the two events, which come days before the pivotal second fundraising quarter comes to a close, Obama made a strong pitch for his handling of the economy – a preview of the stump speech he will deliver when the 2012 campaign begins in full.

There's just so much wrong with those two little paragraphs I barely know where to begin. I mean, first off, it's hard to imagine Øbama having a lot of support among those who favor strong Isreali-US relationships. But then again, battered spouses often support their partners, so... Secondly, is Øbama really running on his handling of the economy? Really? Aside from throwing money into union coffers at the problem, what, exactly, has he done to help the economy?

The saddest part is that Øbama knows he can get away with it. His lapdogs in the media will run his lies unchecked and slant headlines unmercifully; he is blessed with the poorest field of political opponents since McGovern ran against Nixon; and folks would, by and large, rather watch "American Idol" than take five seconds to educate themselves about the issues (granted, this is not a new problem). He's coasting towards re-election whereas he should be facing an absolute trouncing.

How do we fix it? At this point, I really have no idea. One would hope that after being fed lie after lie in the media, eventually the American people would get tired of it - especially given how pathetically transparent and lazy they've become. Øbama continues to blame George Bush for everything, and yet there is no one to say, wait, you've been in office for well over two years at this point. Then again, this is the same media that blamed George W. Bush for 9/11 - because "it happened on his watch", despite mountains of evidence that showed the attack planned for years before the event.

Choir, meet preacher, though. When the best the Stupid Party can offer is Mitt Romney, it's hard to blame folks for not getting all that excited about the prospect of the 2012 election. However this is no time to get complacent - while I share Newbius's view that we're beyond the point where voting will get us out of this mess, I still urge everyone to follow Borepatch's excellent admonition to "Vote them out. All of them." It's good advice if for no other reason than it removes the entrenched partisans and replaces them with noobs who have to get their bearings.

A re-elected congresscritter goes back to the same office with the same staff and is ready to strip away our liberties the day after the election; but it is not so much with a new critter...

That is all.


Old NFO said...

Agreed, vote em ALL out and start over (and put in term limits too)!!!

Borepatch said...

One would hope that after being fed lie after lie in the media, eventually the American people would get tired of it - especially given how pathetically transparent and lazy they've become.

One look at the share price of the New York Times Company will confirm that this is, in fact, the case.

Forget the polls (that's what people say). Look at the share price, which reflects what people do. Hint: it ain't paying cash money for a biased media.

Anonymous said...

Too bad the ballot won't have the choice of "none- leave the post vacant".

BTW, I don't wanna create a blog; I just wanna sign in and comment. Sigh.

WV: renting What lots of us are doing now that we no longer own our house.

Dave H said...

Excellent point, Borepatch. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." I suppose the converse is also true.

Chris said...

Depends on what the meaning of "vote" is. Trying to solve problems created by politics through the political process is a bit like reducing teen pregnancy by encouraging unsupervised co-ed sleepovers.

Jim said...

Power corrupts. It took an Ammendment to the Constitution to create a term limit for the President, and it will take an Ammendment to the Constitution to create Term Limits for Congress. I am wholeheartedly in favor of this.

Now what would it take to get someone to actually propose it and get 2/3 of each house to vote for it so it could be submitted to the States for ratification... Unless we want to go through the Constitutional Convention process, which is the only other option I see.

Sure hope I'm missing something.

Anonymous said...

Term limits need only rope and lamp post.