Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Match Made in... Well... Um... Somewhere!

Dennis has plain lost his mind. In a good way.

Take this:

and add this:
And you get this:

Dragon Leatherworks is pleased to announce the release of the Vicious Circle Edition FlatJack and Talon holsters, available for purchase on July 8th. The Vicious Circle podcast will be streaming its 100th podcast on July 8th, so what better way is there to celebrate this event than with the release of the VC Branded FlatJack and Talon!

A Vicious Circle-branded holster. If cool were people, this holster would be China, man...

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

When the dude sends me pix I'll drop a post, not until!

Dude's TEASING us, we KNOW it'll be awesome, but we have to WAIT???

: ]

Anonymous said...

It's either insane or insanely great.

Dragon said...

To steal a line from LabRat...

Oh fer f**k's sake...

Pictures will be sent out as soon as the first two holsters roll off the bench, which will be this Sunday...

Old NFO said...


Heath J said...

Weer'd's holster oughta show up somehow bifurcated or otherwise mangled.. It would be really appropriate.

jetfxr69 said...


Don't remember, can you make that holster for a Beretta 92?