Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Media, Sarah Palin, and "Evil" and/or "Stupid" Republicans

Borepatch has a (yet another) thought-provoking piece on Sarah Palin. I started to leave a comment, and it grew far beyond a simple comment, so I figured I'd stand on my own particular soapbox...

The simple fact is that, thanks to the mainstream media, Sarah "I can see Russia from my house" Palin is lumped in with Dan "If I'd known I was going to Latin America, I'd have studied Latin in High School" Quayle. Neither of them actually said either statement, of course; Palin's was her doppleganger Tina Fey on SNL; Quayle's quote was from a staffer with tongue firmly in cheek. But the media storyline is that they were stupid, so they had to be portrayed as such. Republicans are either evil or stupid; George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan were two examples where the media tried to portray them as both.

Hell, I jokingly referred to Bush as "President Gumby" because of the way the media would alternate between the drooling moron persona (stupid) who mangled "nuclear" and didn't read newspapers and the evil megalomaniac who planned 9/11 and got us involved in two wars to enrich his oil buddies. He was either a drooling moron that had to have Dick "Darth Vader" Cheney pulling the puppetmaster strings, or he was the modern day incarnation of Adolf Hitler - either the dopey figurehead or sinister Skull&Crossbones illuminati bent on world domination.

Palin doesn't fit neatly into the narrative. The media seized upon those e-mails because they were certain - CERTAIN - they were going to find tons of evidence of either a vapidly stupid cheerleader bimbo or a barely-suppressed theocrat hell-bent on closing and mining the borders, making abortion illegal, and rounding up dissident leftists for re-education. You know, everything the left likes to pretend the right wants to do - and using the methods they themselves would use if they thought they could get away with it.

What they found, though, was supremely uninteresting - the simple fact that the story just vanished after the release of the e-mails is proof enough of that. You know as well as I that the first hit of theocracy or stupidity would have been front-page news for weeks - as well as never-ending fodder for SNL, Jon Stewart, et al. If the media had paid half as much attention to "Operation Fast and Loose with the Truth", we might be seeing some real changes at the ATF right now (not really, but it would be nice to see them display some interest in the government deliberately arming Mexican gangs to drum up support for gun control... Wait... Nevermind).

Borepatch is onto something with the media's perception of Palin - and the political "center" and how it relates to Republicans. The media's been on the far left for decades - Joe McCarthy remains one of the most hated men in modern US history, often with good cause, but also overlooked was that, by and large, he was right - the communists had infiltrated large chunks of the media, politics, and popular culture. That McCarthy was a loudmouth drunkard who liked to bully people was the only saving grace for the Fifth column.

Conservatives, at least for the past, oh, eighty or so years (I'm being charitable), have not been as their name suggests. A true conservative would stand in front of the American people and remind them that freedom is not safe; it is messy, nasty business that requires input and hard work. The Second Amendment should be as sacrosanct as the First, for without the right to keep and bear arms on a par with the standing army, we run the risk of turning into a police state like pretty much every other country around the world that bans civilian ownership of arms. A true conservative candidate would approach the national budget with a katana, not a scalpel; the deficit would be a matter of personal and nation pride to reduce to zero.

A true social conservative would oppose, vehemently, issues like abortion and deviations from the nuclear family - but they wouldn't dream of suggesting government intervention is the solution. They might support prayer in school, but never as a mandatory routine. Following the guidelines set forth by our Founding Fathers - the very principles this country was built upon - would be of utmost importance. The Constitution is not a living document, but an ironclad framework of what the government can - and cannot - do; this is the true mark of a conservative, that they understand and abide by the simple elegance contained in those four pages.

Palin isn't all that conservative comparatively, but given the current field, she stands out like Attila the Hun - and that scares the hell out of the leftists and the media (but I repeat myself...)

That is all.


Borepatch said...


A real conservative would point out that self-described "conservatives" don't scramble to grow government so that they can reward their friends.

Stretch said...

Miss Sarah let the media beclowned themselves yet again.
Her Bus Tour of America went on hiatus. Various media outlets/orifices cited:
emotional issues
marital problems
financial troubles.

After a few days of stupid Miss Sarah announced she was fulfilling her civic duty on Jury Duty.
God! I love that woman!!

Anonymous said...

Hilariously, Jon Stewart used the media's desperation over the e-mails as comedic fodder - a few of the blogs in my blogroll had posted it already.

Daniel in Brookline said...

In 2012, I want the Republican Presidential nominee to be either (a) Sarah Palin, or (b) someone who had the guts to stand up for her when it counted.

Too many of our "front-runner" Republicans, it seems to me, stood idly by while Gov. Palin and her family got trashed. Some even joined in the trashing. As the saying goes, that's no way to treat a lady.

Sarah Palin has her faults, to be sure. But she's head and shoulders above nearly everyone else. She's right about the important things, she has the passion, she's not afraid to take the fight to the enemy -- and she's withstood withering fire such as few of us could begin to imagine, and she's kept right on fighting, and not lost her smile.

And by God, she has executive experience -- and a history of taking on the world if it's the right thing to do. And she would not stand and watch a fellow Republican get dragged through the mud, as too many would-be candidates did for her.

(If I'm missing somebody -- a Republican running for President who actually did stand up for her when it mattered -- please correct me. But I can't think of anyone.)

Braden Lynch said...

I like a little bit just because she causes the liberals to go ballistic and apoplectic.

She must be doing something right for them to get so spittle-spewing unhinged.

How about Bachman/Palin in 2012?

Anonymous said...

I think the left-of-center crowd also can't stand that a "conservative" woman can be happy with her life. Palin is so many of the things that the third-wave femenists seem to decry, and yet the public LIKES her! How horrible! A married woman with children, one of whom has Downs Syndrome, a Christian and yet Palin still manages to speak in complete sentences, looks attractive and laughs and smiles. She's not a victim - oh no! I think that sticks in the craws of a lot of the left.

dr mac said...

I do love a well written rant.