Manchester, New Hampshire (CNN) -- Seven Republicans will be on the stage Monday night at the CNN/WMUR/New Hampshire Union Leader presidential debate, but one candidate will likely be the center of attention.
Thanks to his standing at the top of the most recent horse race polls, his fundraising prowess and his top-flight campaign organization, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is generally considered the front-runner at this early point in the battle for the GOP nomination.
Hmmm. The seven candidates appearing are Romney, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Michelle Bachman, Tim Pawlenty, Rick Santorum, and Herman Cain. What to watch for from this debate, in no particular order:
- Romney will attempt to portray himself as anything other than a Big Government Republican;
- Gingrich will mention the "Contract with America" in an oblique manner, but not the namby-pamby aftermath that resulted in the GOP losing their majority;
- Ron Paul might get a word in edgewise;
- Michelle Bachman will say something that will be quoted out of context;
- Pawlenty will be asked to repeat his name to make sure they spell it correctly in the "also appearing in this film" end credits;
- Santorum will conveniently forget that he was ever associated with "Intelligent Design". This will prove to be the only good move he makes.
- Herman Cain will give a thoughtful and detailed analysis as to why he would be the best candidate. Unfortunately, he will be completely ignored by everyone, as his fiscal conservatism alienates the GOP party faithful and everything else frightens the bejeezus out of the Democrats and the mainstream media (but I repeat myself)...
Let's see how accurate the Amazing JayNac's predictions are...
That is all.
Romney won't be the one that mentions RomneyCare.
One more to add to the list:
In spite of not being there, Sarah Palin will somehow make her political presence known...
Well, since this will be a Communist News Network Debate, I'm sure that when they are asked why they have the Effrontery to Run against the Greatest Leader the World has ever known, they'll start to speak, then get shouted down by the Thugs in the Audience after 2 seconds.
Except for Romney, of course. You know, the Designated Loser for the Republitards.
I'm interested to see if Gary Johnson makes it. CNN first said he wasn't invited, now he is.
Neil Sedaka's "She's Having My Baby", AC/DC's "Back in Black" running at 78 RPM, and Herman Cain.
Name three things that aren't going to be listened to tonight.
Sorry, had to go with the Karnak reference. If the party was serious about the 2012 elections, Cain would already be the nominee.
DaddyBear wins the internet for picking up the ref and *running* with it...
Weer'd said:
"I'm interested to see if Gary Johnson makes it. CNN first said he wasn't invited, now he is."
I hope he does make it -- I know little about him, but I'm interested in hearing his positions and see how he presents himself.
I listened to Herman Cain until he proved he doesn't understand what "shall not be infringed" means.
Bachmann is probably the only true conservative to be on the stage tonight.
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