Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Thank Goodness for Stupid People...

Skidmark sends in the following knee-slapper about a dumb criminal. I love stories like these...

Shhh! Man Blabs On Phone That He's Wanted, Is Arrested

DELMAR, Md. -- The Wicomico County Sheriff's Office said a man who talked loudly in his motel room about being a fugitive was arrested after other guests turned him in.

It happened early Tuesday at the Traveler's Motel in Delmar. Deputies said guests there heard a man yelling during a phone conversation that there was a warrant for his arrest and called police.
I really don't know what I can add to this. The real kicker is that neither of the warrants were for violent crimes, one for failure-to-appear on a theft warrant and the other for a parole violation, so in all likelihood if he hadn't been so damned loud he would never have gotten caught. The armchair psychologist in me wonders if he wasn't subconsciously trying to get arrested just to get the weight of being a wanted man off his chest. Or, maybe he's just dumber than a bag of hammers...

The Lord must truly love the stupid, for he made so damn many of them...

That is all.

1 comment:

Lissa said...

LawDog always says that if criminals were smart he'd be out of a job :)