Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Almost Got It...

My #1 Blogson e-mailed this to me as being, in his words, "up your alley":

(taken from here)

I mentioned in comments that there was one type missing: The BMW 1200RT/Honda ST1100/Kawasaki Concours that's only 5 years old, has 150K on the clock, and a rider with bugs tattooed on his eyelids - and a permanent smile. There's a subset of #2 (sportbike), the $20K Ducati superbike that's filling in for a Ferrari, but otherwise spot-on.

And I don't care which one y'are, if you're riding it, I'll wave - it's not what you ride, it's that you ride...

That is all.


North said...

One of them must be a Glock.

Dave H said...

I'll wave - it's not what you ride, it's that you ride...

Back atcha, boss.

Funny coincidence - in the last three days I've seen two bikes that were the same powder blue color as the one in the last panel. Does Babies 'R Us sell bike parts now?

Robert said...

That sportbike needs a teenage girlfriend on the back with flipflops, shorts and a bikini top. At least, that's the way they all are around here.

Anonymous said...

Saw a t-shirt you would really like...." Don't let my motorcycle ride interupt the saftey of your phone call"


Daddy Hawk said...

Amen brother. I was always miffed when snobbish Harley riders wouldn't waive back at me on my Buell (which was a Harley product until they threw in the towel).

There are some other types missing:

The Antique (BSA/Norton/Triumph/Indian/etc.). Very rarely spotted in public because they have to be kept pristine for those special occasions.

The 1970s Beater Japanese bike. It says I'm a teenager or middle aged guy who really wants a crotch rocket or a Harley but doesn't have the scratch.

Tim said...

How about the maxi-scooter that says "I just don't care what people think about me"?

Farmee said...

Where's the Dual Sport / Enduro / Adventure Bike that says "Wash me"???

Borepatch said...


And North, if one is a Glock, how do you ride to reset?


Old NFO said...

Well, I'd say the Harley is the Colt of the bunch, with the large $$ chopper being the 'custom' guns, probably the crotch rocket would be the glock... plastic fantastic and all :-)

Hat Trick said...

@ShepherdK - What does it say if I'm a middle-aged guy who has entertained the fantasy of tracking down his old '75 CB750 to see if it's in restorable condition?

Daddy Hawk said...

@Hat Trick. How about we call it a nostalgia exception to the rule since that's what I'll be claiming when I track down my first 1970 Datsun 240z.

Sevesteen said...

Shepherd: I'm a middle aged guy on a beater '81, because I don't want a crotch rocket, a Harley or a bike with an engine bigger than my car--I want a Standard, and they don't make those anymore.

Mikael said...

When/if I ever get around to getting a motorcycle, as I've always wanted, I'm most likely just going to get a kawazaki/yamaha custom. Something good but cheap on the second-hand market... mind you I don't have the scratch now, and don't expect to have it for a long time(I'm currently saving up money for a buffert, so I can go teach scuba diving in an exotic location, and probably come home poorer, to start the cycle over again).