Saturday, July 16, 2011

I'd Laugh but It's Too Close to Home...

Sent in by PISSED:

(picture from Holbert gallery here)

It's interesting to see that this shows up in the Boston Herald. Granted, the Herald is the less liberal paper in Boston, but that's like saying that Nagasaki fared better at the end of WWII than Hiroshima... First off, it shows the Democrats and Republicans equally at fault - which is refreshing for a Boston-based paper. Secondly, the reference to China being the landlord is rather interesting - given the amount of US holdings held by China.

There's going to be a reckoning coming; smarter people than I are pretty certain it's coming and my own observations mesh with that. We're spending money at an alarming rate and the only solution to the debt situation is to spend more - now, I'm not an economist but that doesn't make any sense to me. Folks on the opposite side of the political aisle point to the Reagan years as some sort of example that "they did it too". Problem is, they manage to forget that they've spent the last 25 years railing against the spending of the Reagan years and how they portrayed America as basically living in cardboard boxes in the '80s because of it.

"Those who ignore the past are condemned to repeat it". With the unstable gasoline supply, and skyrocketing gas prices, can the gas crisis of the early 1970s be repeated? With more and more debt being piled on every day, are we reliving the heyday of deficit spending of the 1980s? All we need now is for Ă˜bama to get caught getting head from a chubby intern and we can relive the past three political decades all in Teleprompter Jesus's first term!

All I know is that you can't go wrong buying a few extra bags of rice and bricks of .22LR...

That is all.


Old NFO said...

Well, the entitlements WILL get paid before social security and the military... gotta keep buying the votes ya know!

Newbius said...

I am pretty sure all of ObeyMe's interns are male. Oh, wait...

Never mind...

AndrewSarchus said...

NFO, I think you've got it half right, they will pay social security to for the same reason. But they might apply some sort of adjustment based on regional costs of living since it is cheaper by and large to live in the red states.

If you want gas lines, all we need is a return to price controls which a few on the left are already calling for.

Stretch said...

Bottled water? Check.
Canned food? Check.
BOB? Check.
Duct Tape? Check.
Ammo? Always need more.

I've read too much history to be optimistic about the next few years. At least I've invested in blue steel & walnut and have junk silver in safe.