Friday, July 29, 2011

Interesting Follow-Up...

Remember the 8' long mountain lion that was spotted in Connecticut? Reader Matt sends in a link to this story with some background on the cougar:

Wisconsin’s “St. Croix Cougar” killed in Connecticut
EAU CLAIRE – One of four different cougars confirmed to have visited Wisconsin – this one dubbed the “Twin Cities Cougar” or the “St. Croix Cougar” – was killed by a vehicle six weeks ago on a busy highway in Connecticut, wildlife officials said today.

From Champlin, Minn., where it was first detected by police on Dec. 5, 2009, to the June 11 accident site near Milford, Conn., is 1,055 miles as the crow flies. This represents a new record for straight-line movement of a known cougar, said wildlife biologist Adrian Wydeven of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

WI to CT is even further than 1,055 miles. That's a pretty hefty distance for a cat to cover - the longest recorded migration before this was almost half that. According to the article, breeding cougars are found in SD and FL (carry the 10mm, Robb!) - meaning that the distance covered overall by this car is closer to 2,000 miles when all is said and done.

Bottom line: There's pretty much no place in the continental US where you don't have at least a chance of running into a cougar...

That is all.


Irish said...

There's pretty much no place in the continental US where you don't have at least a chance of running into a cougar...

I heard a great place it "Capones" in Peabody on Fri and Sat nights ;)

North said...

Pissed: That is where they hunt YOU.

Bubblehead Les. said...

There's a report of a Mountain Lion roaming around Canton, Ohio recently. Not kidding, there really is. Been on the local news and everything. Just ask Breda, she can get you the links to TeeWee stories. But it's a good thing the Highly Trained Professionals of the Canton P.D. can handle it if it shows up, eh?

Jay G said...

Heh. I'd pay good money to see Officer Steroid try to give the kitty lumps...

Old NFO said...

Come to ANY DC bar... LOTS of them... Just sayin...

Jester said...

Well you know how it goes, we gotta get rid of the garbage some how, since we are flyover country here in Wisconsin. How better to grab the east cost's attention by sending them animals!

Anonymous said...

Obviously a Ricky Nelson fan

Anonymous said...

There are LOTS of "cougars" here in CT. :)
This one though was only a few miles from home when it was killed.

TOTWTYTR said...

Mopar and OldNFO beat me to the punch. Of course Benjamin Franklin was a big fan of cougars too.

"They don't yell, they don't swell, and they're as grateful as hell."

Or so the legend goes.

Stretch said...

The cougar (4 legged) was only passing through Wisconsin. Seems he started in So.Dak.

Anonymous said...

When I lived in the western part of a midwestern state, everybody knew about mountain lions in the area. When I moved to the eastern part of the state, I was assured that "there are no mountain lions in eastern Flat State." The wildlife biologist standing behind the parks and wildlife guy had the dickens of a time keeping a straight face. I figured she knew better and took precautions when I went hiking.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Now that I think about it, it looks like that Cat was looking for a Safer place to live. You know, someplace where CCW is 'May Issue", where Firearms need a "State Approval" to come into their Borders, a place where one needs a "Special License" to exercise the RKBA. And it looks like it had trouble getting around Chicago, so it decided to head East to the .... ; )

Gunnutmegger said...

There's another issue here, folks.

Years back, we Nutmeggers had an influx of coyotes. They had been gone for decades, and suddenly they had "returned".

And being lazy predators, they didn't waste their energy chasing the multitudes of deer that had been eating our gardens and damaging our cars by running in front of them. They went after farm animals and housepets.

Well, people started asking questions about those mysterious coyotes, and the CT Dept. of Environmental Protection denied importing them. Denied it for years, on a stack of bibles.

Until, eventually they couldn't deny it any more and they confessed that they had in fact re-introduced them into the state.

If you read the carefully-parsed statement issued by the DEP, it isn't hard to see the Clintonesque word games that might be taking place:

After the coyote lies, I trust the DEP idiots as far as I can shot-put their fat asses.

BobG said...

We have quite a few here in Utah. Every couple of years one or two get down into Salt Lake Valley, and they get chased around a neighborhood by dogs and kids until they hole up in somebody's garage until the animal people can rescue them and transport them out. They aren't as dangerous as people think unless you run from them.