Monday, August 15, 2011

Do NOT Mess with Mama Bear...

Mopar sends in the second heartwarming story of the day:

Police: Man Tries To Entice Teen, Gets Punched By Mom
Police said a 48-year-old man has been charged with trying to lure a 13-year-old girl into a Des Moines alley.

Polk County jail records indicate that Robert Harding, of Des Moines, is being held on two charges: enticing a minor under 16 and a parole violation.
Go watch the video that goes with the article. Mom beat his ass like a rented mule. Dude looks like a jigsaw puzzle with a couple of pieces gone. There's a distinct lack of talk about charging the mother with assault and battery; something tells me the DA in that county would like to remain free of tar and/or feathers.

I particularly liked this part:
Police said Pullen punched Harding in the face. Then the girl's father and one of his friends chased Harding and fought with him.When police arrived at Fremont Street, the fight was over.
Heh. That's code for "they stopped beating the holy f**k out of the dude once we rolled up on the scene." And quite possibly gave a few pointers on where to hit the guy.

Y'know, it's good to know there are still some places where a righteous beatdown of a pedophile scumbag is given the appropriate level of legal review: None.

That is all.


JD said...

well, you know it wasn't in MA, where we don't support self help right Martha??

DES said...

I was having a bad day so far until I read this post. The imagery of it brought a smile to my face. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Jay; you absolutely made my day!

Borepatch said...

JD beat me to it.

Glenn B said...

That was heart warming and just absolutely great. I would love to shake that mom's hand and tell her how much I admire her for what she did, likewise for the dad and his pals. If it had been NY (definitely NYC maybe not all of NYS) the mom would have been arrested for assault and battery and the ACLU would be waving the flag for the pedophile.

Thanks for posting that one, I have been pretty down in the dumps most of today and that cheered me up substantially.

All the best,
Glenn B

Anonymous said...

My favorite part:
"I got down to the alley and I confronted him. I said, 'Why are you staring at the kids?' and he looks at me and says, 'I want to marry the red head,' I came unglued at that point. I was like 'Dude, she's only 13 that's my daughter,'" said Pullen.

Pullen said the man had broken English, but insisted that he wanted to marry the girl.

"When I told him 'no,' (he)asked me if I would be willing to sign paper work so he could get married to her and I told him no and then I hit him," said Pullen.

Lissa said...

I'm with JD and Borepatch... You better not let The Coakley hear about this!!!

Karl said...

The scumbag looks like Scorpio for the first Dirty Harry movie. I guess he didn't feel luck, punk!